John Diebel さんのプロファイル

Wall Displays: William Mitchell College of Law

Wall Displays: William Mitchell College of Law
Wall-mounted historical timelines outlining a variety themes related to the college.
Over the years I have created a number of large-scale historical presentations for William Mitchell. Most of these have been developed as timelines to illustrate various aspects of legal and college history. Each one was a meticulously researched project that required several months of development and close cooperation with writers and archivists. The final products were reproduced on a plexiglass substrate measuring approximately 3' x 18' and mounted with special hardware on a semi-permanent photomural (about 9' x 20') located in a high-traffic area of the college.
Creative Direction: Pamela Belding
In situ photograph of a timeline celebrating the careers of two pioneering law professors at William Mitchell.
A timeline outlining the history of women at the college.
Detail from the Women in Law timeline.
A timeline dedicated to the tradition of public service of William Mitchell faculty and alumni throughout the college's 100-plus year history.
Detail from Public Service at William Mitchell. The background patterns are period-specific and meant to evoke the spirit of each of the 20 year intervals illustrated by the timeline. The colors and fonts are derived from the college's own style guide. 
A hall of honor installation dedicated to William Mitchell alumni who went on to higher service as Justices of the Minnesota Supreme Court.
Wall Displays: William Mitchell College of Law
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Wall Displays: William Mitchell College of Law

Various wall-mounted historical timelines for a law college.

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