A recycling effort to encourage young people to recycle in a fun, exciting and rewarding manner by informing them about the awareness of a label that could help them identify products for recycling and also designing a mobile app that could keep track of their recycling and reward them for it.
The re:cyclabel is a new recycling label that will be placed on products to clearly indicate items suitable for recycling and to inform consumers about a product’s ability of being recyclable after use! Encouraging consumers to choose the re:cyclabel products over other products in the market. 
A recycling effort to encourage young people to recycle in a fun, exciting and rewarding manner through a mobile app that could keep track of their recycling journey and share it with their friends. And also stand a chance to redeem rewards as they recycle! Not only that, but also having an interactive ‘game’ portion for them to watch how their recycling efforts can grow a seed into a plant and eventually a garden! 
A recycling bin design complimenting the re:cyclabel mobile app; accumulating points by the amount of re:cyclabel products being recycled at the bin. 
First, scan personal account scan code at the recycling bin to activate account. 
Next, start to drop in re:cyclabel products into the recycling bin — products will be weighed and points will be accumulated into user's account. 
Lastly, click 'Log Out' on the touchscreen when done. 


As part of the challenge of a 21st century designer, as a designer you are encouraged to take responsibility to identify a relevant issue that se Leer más
