Project: Brand Identity
Client: JustTrails
Request & Solution:  
JustTrails is a company whose main goal is to provide detailed information and professional advice about exploring the outdoors, whether that be by hiking, mountain biking, cross-country skiing or snowshoeing. Unlike other outdoor companies who provide just maps of trail, JustTrails takes on every trail themselves which allows them to provide detailed information to the customer in the form of videos of the trail, maps highlighting key points, suggested gear for each specific trail, a rating system based on experience as well as travel and parking information to successfully get to the trail.
They're request was to develop an identity that would represent their passion for the outdoors as well as be flexible enough to use in a variety of ways. On first meeting they pointed out that they do the initial work by walking all the trails, they then provide all the information they gathered and collected so to best prepare the outdoorsmen and finally if needed they wanted to be viewed as a guide people could count on, whether that meant in person or just with their products. Which lead to the development of the three icon logo of the footprint, the topographical map and the compass.

Final Logo
Logo icon set
Business card
Early concept
Sketch book work


JustTrails is a company that provides in-depth knowledge and outdoor experience, maps and tips on all regional hiking, biking, skiing, snow shoei Rozwiń
