Project: Brand Identity
Client: Harvest Grounds - Harvest Christian Center
Request & Solution: Harvest Christian Center approached me with a request to help develop their coffee ministry to help promote fellowship among all the church members and with anticipation of this ministry growth into what will eventually be a fully operational, open to the public cafe. While growth is still sometime down the road they wanted to at the very least begin thinking about the brand and identity which would grow with this ministry.
One important piece of the ministry that I wanted to work into the design and enhance and further develop was the tagline, "Changing lives one cup at a time." With this tagline in mind the identity turned into a multi-piece setup, allowing for different uses of the logo and icons. Also, in doing research a verse from the NIV bible Mark 9:38-41 (Whoever Is Not Against Us Is for Us) became a key part to what this ministries mission was.
Final Logo
Logo Icons
Early concept and application
Sketch book work
Airpots and banner application
Harvest Grounds