Perfil de Paul Skelton

SportFans - Wind powered vehicle windsock

SportFans is an innovation that evolved from an earlier concept - a window mounted power generator for charging USB devices.  At the time, we were developing a portable battery charger licensed with MLB teams.  Somehow I connected the idea of licensing to the window generator and the SportFan was born.  I was responsible for every aspect of the product development - Design, engineering, prototyping, testing, packaging, graphics, web and video.  These were sold to a sports licensing promotional product company for rollout on HSN.  They sold over 600 units in just a few minutes!  See the HSN spot below!
I produced this video using After Effects, Studio Max and DJI video equipment.
I designed and sourced this POS display as well as the product packaging.
SportFans - Wind powered vehicle windsock

SportFans - Wind powered vehicle windsock

SportFans is a wind powered illuminated windsock for your vehicle. The propeller spins a motor which creates an electric current and powers an LE Leer más


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