Lucas Guzmans profil

Maison Du Posh Website 2012

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Maison Du Posh Website 2012
It's online at
It took quite a while to acquire the desired style on this morphing style, but in the end it turned out to be quite attractive. Using only our photoshoot's pictures, I made a morphing transition from image to image, then I got rid of the background on each one, and gave the darkened-studio background you see now.

We kept the same interactivity that we had on previous sites, using the skulls as the buttons that will take you to the different sections.

Enjoy and comments are much appreciated!
 And this is the video for the sections. Please notice the transition from the music on the home page (with voice and the complete music feeling) to the section video, where the sound is just a much simplified beat with no singer.
The Mean Guys

Maison Du Posh Website 2012