This was my result for the 2012 RSA competition. I chose to design a set of stamps that would hopefully inspire the public to take care of the environment. At first I struggled thinking of an idea that would inspire your everyday person to actually change something in their lives to help the environment. I decided to find small changes that we can all make without any difficulty that benefit the world.

After sketching for a while I was inspired by the way light was reflected on my ceiling. This got me thinking about how we are on the brink of change. If we cannot change our ways the future looks dark, but if we can change we will move on to a brighter future. I have therefore chosen to concentrate on geometrical shapes and have used black and white to symbolize the paths our future could take. Are we moving towards a brighter future, or a dark one. This uncertainty is portrayed though the use of grey, and overlapping shapes with different grades of transparency.
November 2011