Dorling Kindersley, India
Created heavily pictorial, encyclopedic-style spreads for the insides of DK books. Collaborated with editors, designers and authors (both in India and the UK) to ensure that image selection and spread designs were both visually strong and editorially appropriate. Titles worked included "Bikes - TheDefinitive Visual History of Motorcycles," "Star Wars - The Complete Visual Dictionary" and "Spiderman - the Ultimate Guide."
Spiderman - The Ultimate Guide
I created these Spiderman spreads after much reading and research. Each spread tells the overall story arc of 8 to 12 Spiderman issues. The images had to be chosen and collected from the comic books themselves, then I used a combination of Photoshop and InDesign to create the layouts. All of the speaking bubbles had to be cloned out and there were many cutouts to make. I chose the subtitles and went back and forth with the author of the book (in the UK) about priority, image choice, and many other issues. 
Bikes - The Definitive Visual History of Motorcycles
These spreads were created on a tight schedule while the bikes were still being shot in the UK (red cutouts are missing images). The spreads required exact adherence to the layout rules for the book. Each spread had to have certain bikes and their captions, arranged by date of manufacture and grouped by model. They also had to allow for a certain number of words in the yet-to-be-written captions, and had to feature one large size image, two or three medium size, and the rest small. They had to be visually appealing in both color and contrast, while maintaining a strict priority of straightforward information design first of all. 
Star Wars - The Complete Visual Dictionary
These spreads required touching up and perfection as the book was being re-released in a new font. This meant incredible attention to detail - the distances between objects and text, every line length, every image shadow - all of these things had to be inspected and corrected at close range. Needless to say, I learned a lot about Star Wars through this project...
Dk/Penguin in India

Dk/Penguin in India

Created heavily pictorial, encyclopedic-style spreads for the insides of DK books. Collaborated with editors, designers and authors (both in Indi 阅读更多内容
