Thrilled to present to you my latest collaboration with the warm, wonderful and ever enthusiastic Taxi Fabric team.
Hope all of you get to stroll around in my taxi in Mumbai. For now, scroll away.

Find below the photographs of the entire process in chronological order.
Sketching> printing the designs on paper> transferring the print from paper onto the fabric with heat> Measuring and stitching the fabric into seat covers> fitting inside the taxi> a fun balloons and bubbles filled shoot. <3

STOP. BREATHE. FEEL.// Pause for a moment and feel the small joys of life.
I met my taxi driver and the taxi owner before designing my fabric. When I asked them what they like about the city and what are the places they go to in their free time, they replied- “There is no free time. We are always so busy running our business. We don’t go anywhere or do anything. We just take the customers to the places they want to go to.” This sentence made my idea that I had in my mind even stronger. 
I want to tell people to pause for a bit, breathe and indulge in the small joys, feel things. Often people get so caught up with everyday chores in this city crossing off tasks on their to-do lists, that they forget to smell that beautiful rose in the garden or look at the birds fly with grace and take notice and experience many other such small joys and indulge in activities that bring pleasure(like yoga, writing, painting, dancing in the rain etc.)
I want to one, make the people feel a sense of calmness as soon as they sit inside this taxi. Two, suggest them to stop/pause for a few minutes and indulge in the beauty around. The illustrations I’ve placed all around the taxi interiors will serve as a mood board/suggestion board for them to do these things and feel a sense of calm in this crazy busy city. 
As you go about your busy lives in this busy city, don’t forget to stop, breathe and feel.
I was very lucky to have three talented photographers to document the entire process for us.
Photographers: Amey Kadam, Mitwa AV, Aashim Tyagi.
Huge thanks to Sanket for initiating this beautiful projec and Mahak for being a wonderful co-ordinator and making it all possible. Check out the other taxis on
Taxi Fabric


Taxi Fabric

Thrilled to present to you my latest collaboration with the warm, wonderful and ever enthusiastic Taxi Fabric team. Hope all of you get to stroll Развернуть
