Profiel van Jawad Rashid

Introduction To Unity 5

Few months ago Digital Tutors offered few weeks period where they allowed to watch and go through any of their course. I interested in game development found a great tutorial on unity 5 on digital tutors to learn more about unity and game development. I installed unity 5 and followed through the video tutorials to replicate the game on my system. Before i go forward i have posted the output videos from the game built by unity 5 but the music and the material is copyrighted by digital tutors so i don't own the game or the material. Also, i have posted the final version of the game built by the instructor rather than posting my own version because the assets, materials and the textures instructor were lower quality than the one he used in the tutorials as the file size of all the assets was too huge. My version resembles this version with lower graphics and it is a little more rough as i just started unity 5.
The objective of the game was that i am a player in a strange world and i am in a mountaneous world with orbs energy scattered in the map. I don't know the location of the orbs so i have to explore the map to collect the orb energy. I have to collect the energy and deposit it in a mothership but there are few paths i can get to the mothership and there are some paths which lead to dead end. There are limited orbs and i have to deposit some goal number of orbs to the mothership. To make things difficult there is a an enemy robot which knows i am on the world and he is trying to catch me. If i have orbs with me but have not yet deposited the orbs and the robot catches me i lose the orbs in my inventory. Lose too many orbs and i lose. I have to collect orbs, find way to the mothership while avoiding the enemy. If i collect and deposit certain number of orbs to mothership without getting caught i win.
The description from unity course page is given below:
We'll start out by learning how to properly create a new project and how to manage our game assets. From there, we're going to create a complete level using the terrain tools and we'll also learn about set dressing. Now here's where the super awesome fun stuff begins! 

We'll learn how to set up the player character and get him moving and animating in our level. After that we'll continue implementing systems like the enemies, energy pickups and the mother ship. Then we'll start to wrap up the course by learning how to create a HUD using the new UI tools. 

So by the end of this Unity training you'll not only have created a complete game that you can share with your friends, but you'll have all of the knowledge you need to begin your grand adventure with Unity.
What i learned from the tutorials was how to work with unity 5 and how to use a lot of tools in unity to make the game. I learned about materials, prefabs, textures, adding shapes to the world, adjusting camera movement, adding mountains, small and big rocks to the world. In addition to this i learned how to add orbs, player, enemies, and mothership. Also, i learned how to add script in C# in unity built in code editor tool MonoDevelop to control how the player moves, how player collects orbs, how orbs work, how enemy work, how camera move and finally what happens when the player approaches mothership with orbs.
Introduction To Unity 5


Introduction To Unity 5

Completed a tutorial on Unity 5 from Digital Tutors.


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