Interactive structure, 2015
Sonic Motion is based on a fascinating discovery related to electrical conductance through the human body. Material exploration led to the discovery that bamboo is an efficient material to transmit current. This exploration of electrical fields and embodied experience led to the design of a bamboo climbing frame. The bamboo structure acts as an antenna, which detects human body movement. By mapping movements into sound, a sonic play system is created. As people interact with the structure through jumping, climbing or moving a live record of movement is created and output as an instant sonic feedback. 

Exhibited in Barcelona at Sónar + D 2015.
Exhibited at the Ugly Duck Gallery in London as part of the RCA Soundobject show.

In collaboration with 
Clea Jentsch 
Kyungmin Han 
Christian Ferrara
Photographers: Rebecca Pierce, Frances Freeman and Clea Jentsch
Performance: Reece McMahon and Lottie Chivers
Sonic Motion

Sonic Motion

Interactive structure, 2015 Sonic Motion is based on a fascinating discovery related to electrical conductance through the human body. Material e Se mer
