immaginauto s.r.l.
Brand name and logo
Lots of italian small car dealers have english names, with the word "car" in it. When it was asked to me for help finding a nice name for this little company I was glad, because I had the opportunity (in my small way) to change course to this trend! After a brainstorming during a car trip to the sea, I found out "immaginauto": "auto" in italian means "car", and "immagin" coul be understood as "immagina" (imagine, in english) and "immagine" (look, image)... my idea is liked and so here is my first logo actually used by a company!

For the logo, I choose neat graphic and colors: I am a fan of simple things and the car dealer also wants to promote an image of simplicity, directness and familiarity.
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Brand naming and logo creation

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