Daniel Braga 님의 프로필

Bears Beehiving Badly

Bears Beehiving Badly
Game Design | Level Design | GDD | Sound Design
Bears Beehiving Badly is a mobile game developed by Manifesto Games in association with Gamblit Gaming. It was officially released in June, 2nd of 2015, for worldwide for iOS devices.
In this game, player must control a bear and help him collect all of the honeydrops that fall. The main gameplay is a Breakout game, and players are able to move the bear left and right to stop the ball from falling into the ground.
Gamblit Gaming has a unique gaming style that mixes arcade gameplay with the thrill of real-money gambling. In this game, players can earn real money by playing well and succeeding on the stages.The controls are optimized for Touch Screen devices, allowing a frenetic gameplay at some stages.
On this project, I worked as Game Designer. I was responsible to write the GDD with all game details and directions for the team. Also, I was able to work on the Level Design and game balance steps to improve the whole "gambling" experience. I also had to choose good fitting sounds for the game, specially to build an amazing experience during the Wagering Event (When the player earns the real money).
Bears Beehiving Badly


Bears Beehiving Badly

Bears Beehiving Badly combines frantic, arcade-style game-play with the thrill of real-money gambling in a fast-paced, innovative experience.
