Schools in South Africa are facing a sanitation crisis. In some cases, schools with over a thousand students don't even have one working toilet. Over the past three years, Domestos has been actively involved in fixing this situation through the renovation and building of school toilets. Through this experience, we've learned that students receive a better education when they aren't continuously getting sick and missing school as a result of inadequate sanitation. School attendance has soared to over 80% in these schools. Cleaner toilets equal brighter futures – that message is relevant to the schools and the target market of mums who buy the product every month. This print campaign aimed to inspire support for the brand's ambition, in order to provide adequate sanitation for more of South Africa's students. This visual shows that a child can accomplish amazing things, like this sculpture, if they are given the opportunity to learn and concentrate in school. In each execution, the sculptures represent the career paths that these children might follow now that they are able to receive a suitable education. 


Agency: theDOagency
Agency Art Director: Dylon Dreyer
Agency Producer: Kagiso Africa
Creative Director: Cameron K. Krieger
Creative Director: Stephen Craig
Paper Artist: Karla Nixon
Photographer: Tony Purnell
Writer: Cameron K. Krieger & Tyrone Andrey
Paper Crafts
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Paper Crafts

Print campaign for Domestos to punt their ongoing efforts to improve the ablution facilities at local South African schools.

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