Heavy Package / Packaging

Since the first days Barboza uses carbon-neutral DHL GoGreen shipping. Now this approach is complemented by the sustainable cardboard. In the next few months Barboza will gradually banish all the PVC-based materials and replace it with sustainable, skin-friendly packaging.

Made from a combination of sustainable materials, the box is completely recyclable. The print is made with water-based paint and the adhesive is a glue based on potato starch. The pure vegetable base provides not only a health-friendly packaging alternative to PVC bags, but also ensures a sustainable disposal as wastepaper.

Made on Earth

Client — Barboza, Germany
Designer — Maksim Arbuzov, Montenegro
Photographer — Maksim Arbuzov, Russia

Barboza — Packaging

Barboza — Packaging

Since the first days Barboza uses carbon-neutral DHL GoGreen shipping. Now this approach is complemented by the sustainable cardboard. In the nex Развернуть
