Brief: Produce a campaign to illustrate how easy it is to damage nature, but difficult to repair.

I developed an interactive advert in the form of an origami animal, which people are asked to open up. After opening the origami animal people are then asked to reassemble the piece. This is obviously difficult and can’t be done. Therefore they perceive how fragile nature is in their own hands. Nature is so easy and quick to destroy, but this is hard to reverse. Once the damage is done, it is difficult to rebuild.

Inside each animal is the copy:

“Destroying nature is easy. Rebuilding it is not. Try for yourself.”

Little else is inside which focuses all attention on the message. 
An extension of the project are origami animals which are made from maps. The maps are of the area from which the animal originates, their habitat. The animals are literally ‘made’ from their habitat. It Illustrates how important an animals habitat is, and how they can’t exist without it.
WWF Origami

WWF Origami

This campaign for WWF illustrates how easily nature is destroyed but how difficult it is to reconstruct again. I developed an interactive advert Læs mere
