Lily Bissets profil

Burt's Bees - The Greater Good

Burt’s Bees -
Burt’s Bees (  played key role in the redesign of the burt’s website. Iwas also in the lead role in defining the UX strategy and launch of theGreaterGood micro-site, which also launched in 2007. The Greater Goodis Burt’s Bees initiative towards Corporate Social Responsibility, thatafter many years of pioneering sustainable practices and leading theNatural Personal Care industry, intends to rigorously measure progressand  better assess achievements and challenges.

We needed to create a look and feel that was true to the meaningbehind the Greater Good mentality, while infusing freshness into thealready distinct Burt’s Bees brand.This was a fun project, as it afforded me with the opportunity tomeet the minds behind the product, as well as get the truth behind whatis truly “all natural”.
The Greater Good Microsite. This site is now part of the Burt's Bees website.
The Greater Good Microsite. This site is now part of the Burt's Bees website.
The Greater Good as part of the Burt's Bees site.
Wireframe concept of the homepage.
Wireframe concept of the gallery
Burt's Bees - The Greater Good

Burt's Bees - The Greater Good

Burt’s Bees ( - played key role in the redesign of the burt’s website. I was also in the lead role in defining the UX Læs mere
