I made this notebook for my class assignment. It is meant to be a functional notebook for artists. I buy A LOT of notebooks. I love them! But once I assign them to drawings or writing I can not mix the two and I only go half-way through each notebook. So I made this one half-half.
The covers are my illustration, printed and hand cashed onto a hard cover.  On the inside the first half is drawing paper in different colours and the second half is plain writing paper. I did the book binding personaly on all the copies and hand lined and wrote all the text on the inside.
Hope you enjoy!
the text reads: "a tree knows how to listen to thee"
a page for the owner to write their info
on the left are different drawing papers and the right side of the notebook is for writing
top of the page says "date"
Handmade notebook

Handmade notebook

I draw.
