Redefining The Razor
- 2014 -
Brief: To design a razor with the target market of women aged 25 - 50 years old for use in the shower.
Inspiration for the initial sketches came from various sources including plants, human forms and toiletries, such as existing shavers/razors and a toothbrush.
A selection of initial sketches
After the initial sketches, a few models were prototyped using blue foam to get a physical, 3D feel for the size and shape of the designs. Deciding on the foremost design as the strongest, further research into whether it would be a comfortable hold was done, as it differs from the typical T-shape.
Scale 1:1 blue foam models
Holding a razor sideways was generally found to be more comfortable for use on arms and legs, and after changes from user feedback, was adapted to be used by either left or right handed people. The option of a T-shaped razor for shaving certain areas was also considered. To allow for this change, a twisting mechanism was added to the razor head that allows it to be turned to the desired position as well as allowing the head to be removed and replaced, making it a lasting product rather than a disposable one. To allow for this change, a twisting mechanism was added to the razor head that allows it to be turned to the desired position as well as allowing the head to be removed and replaced, making it a lasting product rather than a disposable one.
CAD using Solidworks to model and Photoview360 to render
The final prototype was 3D printed on a UPrint in ABS plastic, finished and painted.
3D printed final prototype
The final design redefines women's shaving as it challenges the typical T-shaped razor, yet maintains it as an option. 
Redefining The Razor
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Redefining The Razor

Creating a razor for women aged 25 - 50 for use in the shower. Redefining the way women shave.

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