Built Landscape
Sacred and Vernacular
STONEHENGE 1  View of the circle from the south.
PARTHENON, Athens—imagined
AYUTTHAYA 1 Early capital of Thailand— View of Wat Ratchaburana's main tower.
TIKAL 1—View of the main Mayan temples rising above the jungle canopy.
SHEY, LADAKH Ancient chortens extending into the landscape behind the monastery.
LADAKH, Monasteries
LAMAYURU, LADAKH  Monks dwellings showing the cycle of growth and decay over time.
LAMAYURU,  Rooms possibly for meditation or storage built into the eroded forms of the cliffs.
SPITOK, LADAKH  The monastery built almost inaccessibly.
IOS, GREECE,  Typical island church
CUENCA, SPAIN The "Hanging houses",
ERMIONI, GREECE  Abandoned house
PORTUGAL  Two Town streets
MAINE  Abandoned farm house

All photographs are the copyright of James Stanton-Abbott
Settled Landscape

Settled Landscape

I am an architect, I create space, built objects, and place in the world. I suppose this informs my making of photographic images; they also cele Další informace
