Henkilön Wendy Cockcroft profiili

Like Clay in the Hand of the Potter

Like Clay in the Hand of the Potter, A6 flyer
Title font: Abbeyline.
Text: Adobe Arabic
Logo font: Trajan.
Logo designer: unknown.
Like Clay in the Hand of the Potter, A6 flyer, rear
Title font: Abbeyline
Text: Adobe Arabic
Original map image: unknown
Like Clay in the Hand of the Potter, ticket
Title font: Abbeyline
Text: Adobe Arabic
Resolution: 718 x 1109px @300 DPI
Like Clay in the Hand of the Potter, A1 poster
This is for display at the front either on the lectern or on an easel. I used Gimp for all the artwork including resizing. Protip: Go to View and disable Dot to Dot when resizing to retain the image's quality.
Turnaround took less than a week because the client approved it so quickly.
Like Clay in the Hand of the Potter program
Body text font: Adobe Arabic
I've made an A5 program which will be double sided. Rather than make a separate response form, I've used the back page. I haven't got the details required for the program of activities so there's no overleaf to display yet. The client may elect to do all that herself — or provide me with the information to do it for her.
Like Clay in the Hand of the Potter

Like Clay in the Hand of the Potter

Flyer, poster, ticket, and program design for a church event. Logo and main illustration (creative commons) provided by others.
