Installation work ‘Mind Art' exploded in Shanghai Exhibition Center during 2014 Shanghai Design Week.
‘Mind Art' is an installation  by local artist Jody Xiong, created for  the world’s leading acrylic paint brand Winsor & Newton in China, the piece was designed to to raise awareness that the disabled deserves recognition and respect.
16 handicapped people were recruited via social media to participate.Their chosen paint colours were placed in balloons equipped with tiny detonators. Large canvas panels surrounded these balloons on all sides. By concentrating hard, electronic signals from their brains were captured and sent to a NeuroSky processing unit that triggered the detonators. Which resulted in wonderfully abstract paintings.
The Mind Art exhibition toured Shanghai Exhibition Center with average 30,000 visitors per day. 800,000 RMB from the painting auction went to help disabled charities.This project exploded on TV stations, national press and social media. Many opinion leaders re-tweeted and made it a big topic across China.
The results were, quite literally, mind blowing. We showed that although the bodies of disabled people are handicapped, their minds aren’t.
Mind Art, No Limits.
Mind Art Video Url:

装置艺术 ‘Mind Art' 艺术亮相2014上海设计周主会场上海展览中心。
中国有8300万残疾人,他们承受着身体的缺陷,承受着世人异样眼光所带来的自卑与封闭。全球颜料领导品牌温莎牛顿Winsor & Newton,希望通过独特的方式,唤起社会对这一特殊人群的尊重和关怀。
残疾人的意念创作相继在上海国际时尚中心和上海展览中心引爆, 部分作品已被拍卖,善款捐助于残疾公益组织。各个媒体相继报道此项目,引发巨大社会话题,得到了约2000万免费媒体的曝光。
Mind Art 影片链接:
Installation work 'Mind Art' video in the gallery

Artist: Jody Xiong 熊超

Mind Art

Mind Art

Mind Art
