ACNPL\\WGL stands for \"Activation Nodeplus Lab featured with WebGL\". It is an interactive lab with my personal experiments created on behalf of the agency Activation Nodeplus where I was a partner. Back to 2012, I began to turn myself from Flash to HTML things and learn the open web again from scratch. Later on, I finally ended up with a group of experimental stuff. In 2014, I selected some of them to develop the site that is made of the real-time graphic as a collection. The web technology thrives rapidly, and constant experiments are helpful to keep pace to stay ahead of the curve. The project was initiated to be a part of the digital evolvements.

The initial goal of this work was to find my past experiments a home and I got my hands on every item in this experimental collection. Each one has its own standalone functionality and was made from time to time, putting them together under a united interface was the challenging thing, as well as taking care of the cross-platform performance and browser compatibility.

Lead by a pixelated transition effect, the digital playground could be smoothly switched to play with. All the canvas and WebGL items are sorted into interface animations running on time, in the meantime, they could work alone through their own functionalities. I initiated the project, designed the graphics, experience and wrote all the code lines.

Starting from scratch back to late 2012, the site is a real-time graphics experiments collection made by up-to-date web technologies. Web technology never stops moving, we always strive to stay ahead of the curve. I built those experiments for the agency with its immersive experience to demonstrate digital possibilities.

Continuously pushing the boundaries is my attempt. In order to present a seamless experience tackling cross-platform performance, I keep on trying, failing and exploring. This work is massively shaped by around 50 separate pieces, one of which is equipped with small yet interesting ideas, real-time rendering graphics, physics and mathematical algorithms. It was released at late September 2014, one of the earliest mobile-enabled WebGL projects worldwide.

It's my personal experiments collections and my role is full-stack on both Design and Development.
Accolades - Adobe Cutting Edge Award, FWA SOTD / MOTD, Awwwards SOTD / Honorable Mention, One Show Interactive Merit, Webby Award, CSSDA WOTD, French Design Index, Designlicks, Communication Arts, etc. A digital creative work combining Canvas/WebGL into a real-time graphic playground.

Creative / Design / Code_ Du Haihang



ACNPL\WGL stands for ACTIVATION NODEPLUS Lab featured with WebGL, a digital real-time graphic handicraft built with HTML5 real-time technique. Th Läs mer
