Sunlight dishwashing liquid wanted to communicate its superior degreasing ability. Many clichéd images have been executed around this message over the years, so we needed to find a unique and memorable way to land this message. Therefore, we adapted a visual that is well-known for getting rid of tough dirt during the washing occasion. We replaced a rough green scourer with a squeeze of Sunlight to illustrate that all you need is Sunlight to get rid of the toughest dirt when doing the dishes. This communication is designed to appeal to upper-LSM consumers who consider dishwashing a chore and who would find such a proposition compelling.
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Agency: Ogilvy Durban
Agency Art Directors: Dylon Dreyer
Agency Producer: Kagiso Africa
Creative Director: Cameron K. Krieger
Creative Director: Stephen Craig
Photographer: Tony Purnell
Writer: Cameron K. Krieger & Tyrone Andrey