BART // BRATKE's profile

Mediated Landscapes Pula (Parametric Masterplan)

Pula Coastline Development (Croatia)
Mediated Landscapes aims to develop a parametric, adaptable masterplan/landscaping/housing theme that is deployable in multiple regions and sites near the Croatian coastline. Three interweaving programmes create a synthetic landscape with interstial, inhabitable space. A parametric model is turned into a macro primitive, which creates a landscape, housing and commercial areas according to site specifi cs. In a further iteration in the design process the macro-primitives are related to a possible larger site-occupation logic, cooperative systems of fl exible public green mediation and non mediated systems form a larger scale mixed-use masterplan, integrating the given landscape and developing intelligent void spaces for public and semi-public use. In between the newly developed structures mediators are grafted to interconnect the three programmatic organistion systems [public, green, private], which transforms them into a working, interrelated and diverse urban system with circulation knots [mono fixed public space] at the intersections and densifi ed areas [multiple fi xed public space].
This project is a cooperation between BART//BRATKE and the MLAUS / Bruno Juricic.
Coastline Development - Parametric Landscape
The Macro-Primitives organisation is deployed driven by urban and topographical parameters given by the specific site near the Croatian coastline in Pula, while the inherited housing units of each primitve are defined by preset cell sizes of two appartment modules for volumetric articulation. The orientation of these housing units react to curvature of the primitive, space program, maximized balcony space for each unit as well as the given site topology. The construction of the primitives is defi ned by low-cost prefabricated z-beam structures extending throughout the whole mediated structure. Intersection Locic. Creation of densifi cation and introvert/extrovert teraces through intersection of the three programmatic venes [public | greenspace | private]. While the vertical circulation is positioned at the knots of the interlocking systems.
Intersection and Circulation Logics
Appartment Allocation / Integration
Unit Orientation Logics
Construction Study - Beam Logics
Green Space Plan - Siteplan Development
Mediated Landscapes Pula (Parametric Masterplan)

Mediated Landscapes Pula (Parametric Masterplan)

Mediated Landscapes aims to develop a parametric, adaptable masterplan/landscaping/housing theme that is deployable in multiple regions and sites Read More
