Jody Xiongs profil

Green Pedestrian Crossing

40% of carbon monoxide emissions come from cars. According to China’s Ministry of Commerce; the country is now the world’s largest car market with over 500 million vehicles on the road. This is without a doubt having a huge impact on the environment. China Environmental Protection Foundation wanted an attention grabbing tactic to urge everyone to do their bit for the environment.
We developed this creative outdoor campaign by laying an enormous canvas on the ground, covering the pedestrian crosswalk with a large leafless tree. Placed on either side of the road beneath the traffic lights, were sponge cushions soaked in green environmentally friendly washable and quick dry paint. As pedestrians walked towards the crossing, they would step onto the green sponge and as they walked, the soles of their feet would make foot imprints onto the tree on the ground. Each green footprint added to the canvas like leaves growing on a bare tree, which made people literally feel that by walking they could create a greener
Carried out in seven main streets of shanghai and later expanded to 132 roads in 15 cities across china,
the total number of pedestrians that participated exceeded 3,920,000 people. 
This famous campaign won China’s first ever Gold Lion at Cannes Design, also won Grand Prix at the UK Green Awards. Furthermore, it was ranked among the top 10 most awarded posters in the world by the Gunn Report.
在街道上装置了与大众互动的行为艺术,让人们都自愿参与环境保护的创作。首先来自于摄影师在冬天拍摄了近百张形态各异的枯树,再精挑每棵树冠长势好的照片,整合修图成一棵完美的枯树。然后将水墨滴甩在白纸上,用嘴巴吹动墨滴渲染出凌乱的中国水墨质感,扫描至电脑与真实影像的枯树交融叠加的视觉手法,设计出一棵极具东方艺术风格的有枝无叶的大树,并将它印在一块长12.6米宽7米的巨幅油画布上。铺在红绿灯前的斑马线上,两端更摆放绿色快干环保颜料海棉垫。当越来越多行人踩上去, 自由步行的随机脚印就像枯树长出了许多绿叶。当每个人过马路时就参与了这个沟通的过程,并目睹了自己对绿色环保的贡献。
此活动已在上海的7条主道上举行并延展到全国,参于人数总计近392,000人次,并在Weibo,Facebook,Twitter等社交媒体上得到广泛的传播和肯定。上海市政府更选择此创意作为9月22日世界无车日主活动,副市长沈骏亲临现场参加。活动结束后,巨幅海报更被上海证大美术馆盛邀展览和收藏。赢取中国历史上第一座戛纳创意节设计类金狮奖,以及英国皇家在大英博物馆颁发的绿色奖GREEN AWARD之全场大奖,被《The Gunn Report》评为世界得奖最多的平面海报第十名。
2010 UK Green Awards Grand Prix /London British Natural History Museum
Exhibiton in  2014 London Design Week 
UK Green Awards Judges’ Thoughts
China Environmental Protection Foundation’s initiative “Green Pedestrian Crossing” was a clear winner from the start; the judges did not hesitate for one moment that this was the most outstanding campaign of all. It was the creativity that struck everyone the most; this was an extremely engaging, creative and beautiful campaign, with very impressive results. The judges concluded that this campaign definitely sent out the intended “green” message in a most creative way. 
Top 10 most awarded posters in the world by the Gunn Report
"Green Pedestrian Crossing"
How do you encourage people to walk more to create a greener environment? In this case you create a large canvas featuring a leafless tree and place it at a busy pedestrian crossing. On each side of the road were sponge cushions soaked in green environmentally-friendly washable and quick dry paint. The foot traffic became the artists, with each green footprint adding to the painting, until the tree was full of green leaves. A beautiful participation idea that captured the imagination of a nation.

Green Pedestrian Crossing Won Awards
Cannes Lions Gold / Andy Awards Gold / One Show Sliver Pencil  / D&AD Bronze Pencil  / Clio Awards Silver / 1 AdFest Grand Pix and 2 Golds 3 Silvers 1 Bronze /  Spikes Asia 2 Glods 3 Silvers 2 Bronzes / UK Green Awards Grand Prix / New York AME 1 Gold 2 Silvers / New York Festival 2 Silvers and 3 Bronzes / United Nations Public Service Bronze Awards / Australia AWARD Silver Pencil and Bronze Pencil /Long Xi Awards 1 Best 2 Golds / China 4A Awards 1 Grand Prix/ GDC Awards 1 Best of Best / Etc. /  Top 10 most awarded posters in the world by the Gunn Report

Green Pedestrian Crossing Exhibition
British Natural History Museum / 2010 Green Awards
New York Public Library / 2011 United Nations Public Service Awards
Zendai MOMA / 2011 'RETURN' Art Exhibition
GuanShanyue Art Museum / 2012 Graphic Design in China Biennale
London’s Asia House /  2014 London Design Week 
Shanghai Exhibition Center / 2014 Shanghai Design Week 
Agency: DDB Shanghai
Chief Creative Officer: Michael Dee
Creative Director: Jody Xiong
Art Director: Jody Xiong
Designers: Jody Xiong, Jerry Cao
Copywriter: Jason Jin
Photographer: Kenno Zhao
Year: 2010
Green Pedestrian Crossing

Green Pedestrian Crossing

40% of carbon monoxide emissions come from cars. According to China’s Ministry of Commerce; the country is now the world’s largest car market wit Læs mere


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