Erm, so this weekend project I set out to create...something, and ended up with this! Rougly a jet engine but made almost completely out of primitive objects and only modified with deformers. Good times, and all but 1 object is a primitive - which I copied over from a previous iteration of this project after realising it was something that would work out.
About this project:

Mostly primitive shapes with deformers. Blades are a cube with a twist and/or a taper slapped in a radial cloner.
Metal and plastic textures from the C4D library. The new reflectance channel looks pretty awesome, but currently I have no idea what the settings mean. Definitely the next thing to research!.
Bright Studio Preset from the GSG Light Kit Pro. Rocking the volumetric spot light in the engine to add a bit of excitement.
Simple keyframe rotation on the fan blades, Camera moving around a target.
Standard renderer, ambiant occlusion
Multipass of specular and ambient occlusion
After Effects:
Graded with curves,
Real Smart Motion Blur
Particular & Grid overlay
Starglow on main C4D render gave it some nice blown highlights and colour correction (Strange, but it works!)
Objects: 82 (819)
Polygons: 19,727 (1,236,190)
Textures: 9
Lights: 4 overhead sofboxes + global light, 1 volumetric light in engine
Render time: 9:17:47 - around 4:40 per frame
Need to work on my workflow a bit and stop jumping ahead to make it look nice then jumping back to model some more! Makes previews and render views take for ever!
Since I didn’t really have a goal, I didn’t encounter any signifiant problems I can think of.
Tip of the day:
Segments make deformers work. The more segments / subdivisions the smoother and cleaner (therfore longer to render!)
Thanks for checking it out! Questions welcome.
After Effects before / after
Model without outer casing
Reverse shot
Object Manager, complete with spelling mistakes and poor naming consistancy :-)


Another short weekend project, lucky to avoid a large power cut that affects 85,000 homes from just down the road. Little jet engine made of prim Se mer
