Hi there!  
I am the director of design for Hack@Brown, Brown's student hackathon.  These are some of our branding assets for the 2015 event.  I've also attached some of our preliminary designs for 2015 at the bottom, so that you can get a sense of how our brand evolved and matured.
In refreshing our brand, we started by reflecting on the intent and goals of the people behind the organization. Our mission statement reads:
Hack@Brown’s mission is to empower people to learn and build awesome things.
We’re driven by the core ideals of diversity, inclusivity and mentorship, and aim to build a fun-loving community at Brown and RISD surrounding learning, creating, and sharing ideas.
I strongly suggest you read my Medium writeup to see what our reasoning behind our decisions were, and how we aligned with our mission statement.  There are also many pretty animations.  
Or browse the assets below:
Motion Exploration
Signage + Physical Media
Social Media
the live version (which I did the majoriy of the frontend work for) can be found at 2015.hackatbrown.org
Checkin/Hacker Management Webapps
Pre-event Multimedia
Photos/Onsite Media
These assets were deployed in fall 2014, before we coalesced on the brand seen above.  
Hack@Brown 2015

Hack@Brown 2015

Hack@Brown is Brown University's premier hackathon. I am directing our branding and web design for the 2015 season.
