Professional development platform for all employees. 

Since 2021, Galena has been operating in the professional development market, guiding employees on their growth journeys through different learning experiences.

With the acquisition of Edupass – a marketplace for courses and training – as a strategic part of the startup’s repositioning in the market, the company expanded its approach to embrace the entire career management, offering B2B solutions that drive the continuous development of teams. In this new chapter, Papanapa has been invited to revitalize and revolutionize Galena’s visual language, from its new logo to the entire identity system.

Inspired by the journey of growth, the new wordmark features angled details that evoke the benefits of Galena: the possibility of new paths, the feeling of growth, and the opportunity to change the course of professional careers.

At the heart of the visual identity system, dynamic shapes emerge from the tilt of the logo. Its solid yet adaptable structure reflects the robustness behind data intelligence and provides the basis for a vibrant language.

The color palette evolved but respected the heritage of the Galena and Edupass brands, which were already living in this chromatic universe, maintaining a connection between the companies while looking to the future.

Finally, a series of illustrations expands the brand’s narrative, highlighting the platform’s various solutions and issues in employees’ daily lives.

The new identity combines confidence, simplicity, and technology to differentiate Galena from its competitors, following the startup’s mission to transform the sector and foster the professional lives of thousands of people.

DESIGNERS: Gustavo Kone, Luana Cordeiro, Lucas Rodrigues
MOTION: Gustavo Kone

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New brand and visual identity for Galena, a professional development platform far beyond training.
