Mark Wallace profili

Memories of Sorna Tantalus

I’m excited to share with you my work “Memories of Sorna Tantalus” I created this painting over 4 weekends and it is the 15th in my new series exploring the adventurer in us all and the story of a group of people on a quest in an unpredictable universe. It explores new worlds, unexpected voyages, mysterious revelations, new friendships and quiet moments of joy on reflection of the wonders of our universe. 
Having returned to her room Dani finally lay snuggled in the warmth of the covers, dreaming of the place they had visited on a few holidays when she and her sister were little girls. 
The island of Sorna Tantalus far out in the Viridian sea, was a remote outpost with beautiful sandy beaches and clear tropical waters, hidden beneath the dense jungle was a research facility which she remembered due to its distinctive lighthouse tower and unique spherical state of the art laboratory at the top. 
She recalled fondly the sleek vessel her parents chartered to take them to the island and the fun they had as they travelled on the roomy luxurious yacht for several days before reaching the underground dock beneath the station.
Despite the dream seeming to have lasted days it was in reality as most dreams are only minutes before she awoke and the memory of it flooded her mind flavouring her mood with nostalgia and the sense of truely being alive. 
Here’s how the painting evolved:
Memories of Sorna Tantalus
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Memories of Sorna Tantalus

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