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The mad mad market

The mad mad market is a set of 32 story telling cards that helps in building non sensical stories. 

This was designed for client Pratham books, which aims at spreading reading among less priviledged children. Thus, these cards are designed for an Indian context with very simple language and low price points. 

In this project the core area of focus was to explore different non linear story telling forms. 

The mad mad market consists of four different sets of cards, namely two sets of character cards, situation and conclusion cards. These cards can be stacked colour wise, in an ascending order with numbers printed on each of them. These can be flipped over to begin the reading.
The illustrations are made with unique stencil cut hand processes. 
Form Explorations
Stencil cut explorations
The actual cards
The mad mad market

The mad mad market

The mad mad market is a set of 32 story telling cards that helps in building non sensical stories. This was designed for client Pratham books, Read More
