刘 青松s profil

戏剧记忆白酒包装设计---------by上下包装研创社 (副本)


brand introduction:
This is a new brand called Drama Memory created specifically for Shaanxi Pu Opera Troupe.

为戏剧记忆打造一系列的全新产品。因其独特的销售渠道,通过在戏剧团看戏,销售其产品。 同时肩负着传播中国戏曲文化的任务,让更多的人了解甚至爱上戏曲。

Brand mission:
Create a new range of products for theatrical memory. Because of its unique sales channel, it sells its products through theater troupes. At the same time, it shoulders the task of spreading Chinese opera culture and letting more people understand and even fall in love with opera.

通过取名“戏剧记忆”勾起关于戏曲的一些美好回忆,该戏剧团主要是演绎关于的穆桂英的事迹。作为中国历史上 人尽皆知的民族女英雄。这一IP无疑是一个现象级的。传播度非常广。考虑到一次要打造系列4款,摒弃传统的 系列改颜色改盒型的粗暴做法。我们坚持统一中一定要有变化。丰富品牌的形象。因此我们保留穆桂英形象这一 主线,每款的形式都不一样。通过取副品名作区分,依次是巾帼英雄、气势如虹、英姿焕发、不让须眉等形容 穆桂英气质的名字。让品牌更有多样性。

The name "Drama Memory" evokes some good memories about opera. The theater troupe mainly performs the deeds of Mu Guiying. As a well-known national heroine in Chinese history. This IP is undoubtedly a phenomenon. The spread is very wide. Taking into account the need to create a series of 4 models at a time, we abandoned the traditional crude practice of changing the color of the series and the box type. We insist that there must be changes in unification. Enrich the brand's image. Therefore, we retain the main line of Mu Guiying's image, and each style is different. By taking the secondary masterpieces to distinguish them, the names that describe Mu Guiying's temperament are listed in order: heroine, majestic, heroic, unshakable, etc. Make the brand more diverse.
戏剧记忆白酒包装设计---------by上下包装研创社 (副本)


戏剧记忆白酒包装设计---------by上下包装研创社 (副本)
