Perfil de мaρko .

Story of your life!


EN/ Packaging design for the wine brand "Story Of Your Life," which invites contemplation on life's journey, metaphorically portrayed as a captivating book on the wine label. 

ES/ Diseño de envase para la marca de vino "Story Of Your Life", que invita a contemplar el viaje de la vida, metafóricamente representado como un libro cautivador en la etiqueta del vino.

EN/ The vibrant bookmark gesture serves as a distinguishing element, symbolizing each life phase or "VOL":
- Unoaked wine as VOL I (0-22 Years).
- Oaked wine as VOL II (22-45 Years).
- Oak-aged wine as VOL III (45 – Death).

ES/ El gesto del marcapáginas sirve como elemento distintivo, simbolizando cada fase de la vida o "VOL":
- Vino JOVEN como VOL I (0-22 años).
- Vino CRIANZAcomo VOL II (22-45 años).
- Vino RESERVA como VOL III (45 - Muerte).

"The package's allure lies in its enigmatic dark wax coating, evocative undertones, and a label that emulates the elegance of a book's spine, culminating in a design that is as thought-provoking as aesthetically mesmerizing."




Packaging of the World / Web
DIELINE / Instagram, Web

Story of your life!
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Story of your life!

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