Allison Davis 的个人资料

Emma, Inc. Arbor Day Campaign

Vote For Trees
Emma, Inc. Arbor Day Promotion
Taking a quirky, yet genuine approach to a lesser-known holiday, Emma used the "send email, not trees" concept to promote their "Vote for Trees" campaign. The goal was to acquire 1,000 "votes" or clicks on the website, which good-heartedly would only allow you to cast your ballot in favor of trees. Once the goal was reached, Emma planted 1,000 real trees to celebrate Arbor Day and all of the wonderful customers and friends who helped us plant them.
Direct mail piece printed on tree-free Yupo paper to promote voting "yes" for trees. Promotional piece was a semi-finalist for 2007 Yupo's Wally Award.
Emma, Inc. Arbor Day Campaign

Emma, Inc. Arbor Day Campaign

Promotional package to help plant 1,000 trees and raise awareness of Arbor Day.
