Multifunctional space design for BJGRC

Baltic Sea Animal Rehabilitation Center (BJGRC)

In 2023, the Lithuanian Maritime Museum oficially opened the Baltic Sea Animal Rehabilitation Center (BJGRC). This center is a response to global and local problems such as: irresponsible consumption, pollution, impact on environment caused by various industries, the inevitable effects of climate change. These factors negatively affects the natural ecosystem, surroundings and the well-being of the animals of the Baltic Sea. The primary purpose of the center is to educate the public and provide treatment for animals from the Baltic Sea.


The creative task of the project was to bring relevant topics about Sea pollution to the education space, especially the ones that do not seem to be new or shocking, however, are still very important in our everyday life. The creative team's aim was to present information in an easy to understand manner, offering simple tasks that wouldn't demand complex visitor engagement. The creative ambition was to catch their attention with the help of an appealing design. A significant effort was dedicated to selecting materials for the exhibition, designing a multifunctional space, and creating a visitor-friendly way finding system. Every aspect of BJGRC was carefully crafted to convey the fundamental message. The method solutions showcased in the exhibition space encourage visitors to relate their everyday life with various environmental issues that affect nature and its inhabitants, and to realise how their individual actions and habits can significantly improve the situation. Also, visitors feel how they can contribute to problem-solving and inspire change. Therefore, the title of the exhibition is - "I am changing, the sea is changing."


In the installation of the education space, organic and recycled materials were specifically chosen in order to further develop the content of the exhibition. Furniture has been created by combining plywood scraps and various recycled plastic panels.


Each element of a modular construction represents a certain environmental issue. The module functions as an arrow: first, it presents a problem, then, expands it via the help of an educational game, and, finally, it offers a possible solution for prevention of a problem.


The logotype is a stylised version of the abbreviation of the name of the Center. It creates a memorable symbol that visually imitates and echoes the branding elements of the Lithuanian Sea Museum and the sea itself. 


Design and architecture: Dadada Studio & Wall Architects
Photography: Provided by Lithuania Sea Museum


Multifunctional space design for BJGRC