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no coffee no workee club by pnc coffee

In 2023, coffee vibes took a hit, so PNC decided to spice things up and get chatty with coffee lovers. They rolled out the "no coffee no workee" concept, bringing a clubby vibe to their quarterly theme. Keeping the PNC Coffee hustle alive, they mixed in the "云" character from Qingyun Street, crafting a coffee-loving cloud that captures the vibe of today's young crowd. The goal? Encouraging everyone to tackle life with a dash of humor and a coffee cup in hand.

2023年咖啡消费市场遭遇消费降级,PNC希望促进与对咖啡感兴趣的消费者进一步沟通,进一步贴近消费者的日常,因此提出了“no coffee no workee ”(无咖啡不干活)概念,并以此为核心设计具有俱乐部风格的季度主题形象。保留PNC咖啡的核心概念“奔走”,同时店铺所在地青云街的“云”字相结合,塑造一朵爱喝咖啡的云朵,来代表当下年轻消费者的生活状态,希望大家都能以更幽默诙谐的心态面对生活。

Art Director: Mic Mak
Creative Director:Mic Mak
Designer: Mic Mak
Photographic: Mic Mak
Copywriting:Mic Mak
Client:Pnc Coffee

Topic Logotype

So, for this year's vibe, we're jazzing up the visuals while keeping that "grab-and-go" spirit alive. Picture some cool retro vibes and classic feels blending into the sleek setup of our store. And guess what? We've tweaked the PNC Coffee symbols, giving that "foot" element a groovy connection to the theme. Ready for a whole new visual ride!

为此年度主题,在保留品牌核心概念“外带”和“奔走”的基础上,为年度主题重新构建新的视觉风格。基于门店空间简约的体验氛围,年度主题视觉则加入更多复古、经典的设计元素,试图丰满整个线下空间的视觉体验。同时也重新更新了pnc coffee的视觉符号,将“脚”的元素与主题做更多的结合尝试。

Create a character

Not just the usual coffee gear gets a theme twist, but we're adding a quirky character inspired by our street name, "云" (cloud). Meet the "Lazy Cloud" – split into two vibes, one sipping coffee, the other not. It's all about the contrasts! This playful character isn't just fitting the theme; it's here to sprinkle some extra fun memories into the mix. Enjoy the quirky ride!

不仅仅是日常与咖啡相关的物品被赋予年度主题,除了pnc coffee本身的符号“脚”之外,基于店铺所在位置的街道名“云”为启发,塑造一个新的角色“lazy cloud”。我们将它分为两个有对立色彩的角色,一个是喝了咖啡,一个是没喝咖啡,借此来产生对比。除了呼应主题外,也希望通过这个小角色给主题增加更多有趣的记忆点。

Adding a splash to the "Lazy Cloud" vibes, we've crafted scenes and animations. Now, customers can use these animations to greet and connect with friends. Stickers have been a staple at PNC Coffee, gathering a crowd of sticker enthusiasts around. Beyond animations and stickers, extending the fun to posters for display and gifting – it's a little PNC tradition!

除了赋予“Lazy Cloud”色彩外,也增加了场景和动画,让顾客可以使用这些动画与朋友打招呼交流。
贴纸也一直是pnc coffee坚持输出的小产品之一,在pnc周围聚拢了一批喜爱玩贴纸的人群。
除了动画和贴纸,将其延展到海报上在店内展示、赠送,也是pnc coffee的小传统之一

Art Director: Mic Mak
Creative Director:Mic Mak
Designer: Mic Mak
Photographic: Mic Mak
Copywriting:Mic Mak
Client:Pnc Coffee

no coffee no workee club by pnc coffee

no coffee no workee club by pnc coffee
