yeongkyu yoo's profile

Sense 1 vet of cotons ai

Industrial Design

Sense 1 for Veterinarians: An Innovative Veterinary Medical Device in Collar Design
1.The world's first surgical post-op monitoring collar for companion dogs.
2.An innovative solution that mitigates the barriers to remote veterinary care for companion dogs.

cloudandco, based in Seoul and Seattle, collaborated on the design of Sense 1 vet, one of Cotons AI's new brand products, headquartered on the southernmost Jeju Island in South Korea. This product is set to be released this month and is expected to play a significant role in the activation of the telemedicine market for pet dogs, offering an innovative solution to overcome the limitations of post-surgery monitoring. By minimizing the inconveniences of existing market products and drastically reducing the form factor with a collar-style design through innovative design and engineering, it has been made incredibly user-friendly and intuitive. This process involved extensive design validation and clinical trials, resulting in a product that sets itself apart from conventional monitoring market products.

1.Barriers in Veterinary Telemedicine
The global veterinary telemedicine market is expected to be worth USD 1.23 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 18.3% during the forecast period. It's a great alternative to veterinary clinics in remote locations, and an affordable alternative to veterinarian services. However, the limitation of diagnosing a dog's condition only through an image is a barrier to the growth of telemedicine, and it is difficult to provide good medical care.
글로벌 수의학 원격진료 시장은 2028년까지 12억 3천만 달러에 달할 것으로 예상되며, 예상 기간 동안 연평균 성장률은 18.3%로 예상됩니다. 이는 원거리 위치의 동물병원에 대한 좋은 대안이며 수의사 서비스의 경제적인 대안입니다. 그러나 반려견의 상태를 이미지로만 진단하는 제한이 원격진료의 성장을 어렵게 만들며, 품질 높은 의료 서비스 제공이 어려운 과제로 남아 있습니다.

2.Surgical Patient Monitoring Challenges
Post-operative patient monitoring devices are used to measure electrocardiograms, heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, and body temperature, They require a lot of expensive equipment, require the dog to be depilated when used, and are cumbersome to connect many cables. Especially in emergency and recovery situations of hospitalized dogs in cages, most of the monitoring is done by veterinarians who have the inconvenience of manually measuring vital signs.
수술 후 환자 모니터링 장치는 심전도, 심박수, 호흡수, 산소 포화도 및 체온을 측정하기 위해 사용됩니다. 이 장치들은 고가의 장비가 필요하며 사용 시 반려견의 털을 깎아야 하며, 다수의 케이블을 연결하는 번거로움이 있습니다. 특히 케이지 내 입원견의 응급 상황 및 회복 모니터링에서 대부분의 모니터링은 수의사가 바이탈 신호를 수동으로 측정하는 불편함을 겪게 됩니다.

innovated the 
solution. Just wear and go.  Introducing the world's first post-surgery monitoring system in necklace form. 

The evolution into a collar-shaped wearable form factor is the result of many insights gained throughout the design process.
Professional-Grade Portability: A Quantum Leap in Wearable Monitoring Innovation.

Smart O2 (Oxygen Monitor)

For Canine Hygiene: Replacement Silicone Cover for Smart O2
Gateway - Safely Storing Extensive Patient Data to Protect Against Potential Loss

We have streamlined all the visual elements showcased at InVision Design and consumer touchpoints to ensure the success of this startup. Additionally, we have provided proposals to minimize manufacturing costs and conduct manufacturer research, all to produce these products at an excellent quality.

Designed by cloudandco x cotons ai Jeju
Hardware: Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing by Xlabs
Packaging: Manufacturing by Xlabs.
Photography by 4bfilm x cac studio

If you have a beloved canine companion, please support this startup.

Sense 1 vet of cotons ai

Sense 1 vet of cotons ai
