Sarah Stephenss profil

The Nature Conservancy Multi-Channel Creative Strategy

Client Overview:
The Nature Conservancy, a renowned environmental organization, sought to enhance their donor engagement and reach through a compelling programmatic campaign. Their desire was to connect with new and lapsed donors, leveraging a comprehensive creative strategy to amplify their message.

Design Challenge:
In my capacity as a Senior Creative Strategist at StackAdapt, I undertook the challenge of conceptualizing an impactful creative strategy for The Nature Conservancy's programmatic campaign. The objective was to construct a multi-channel approach that effectively engaged the target audience, all within the framework of a request for proposal.

Design Solution:
The proposed creative strategy was devised with a two-fold focus: Awareness and Retargeting. The initial phase aimed to introduce The Nature Conservancy's vital causes to the audience, while the retargeting stage sought to re-engage prospects and lapsed donors, encouraging their support.

For the Awareness portion of the campaign, a multi-channel approach was structured, encompassing Connected TV (CTV), Online Video (OLV), Audio, Display, and Native ads. The campaign's overarching goal was to initiate a connection with new prospects, steering them toward online donation platforms. By incorporating emotionally resonant video and audio content, this stage aimed to bolster emotional engagement while driving prospective donors to learn more about the organization's efforts.

For the retargeting segment, a comprehensive approach was recommended. Display ads were proposed, targeted to audiences based on completion rates of video and audio content. Additionally, the proposal highlighted leveraging insights from a brand lift study. This data could be harnessed to create nuanced retargeting pools for native ads, furthering engagement and encouraging action.

Outcome and Impact:
While the outcome of the proposal remains undisclosed at this time, the process of crafting a comprehensive engagement strategy aligned with The Nature Conservancy's objectives was a significant milestone in my work as a Creative Strategist. The tailored approach, fortified by StackAdapt's solutions and insights, showcased the potential for fostering deeper connections and driving meaningful actions.

Responsibilities: Creative direction, copywriting, digital design and coding

The Nature Conservancy Multi-Channel Creative Strategy

The Nature Conservancy Multi-Channel Creative Strategy
