Andrew McGibbon's profile

"Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent underneath it." - Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'

For as long as groups of humans have agreed on patterns of belief, symbols have existed, with signs of light and dark - good and evil - the most prominent among them. Like building blocks for morality, these symbols, particular, of course, to cultures and religions, are familiar to us all, and taught from an early age in stories -  a means for our elders to pass down their values and cautionary tales. It seems to me that in these, no symbol appears more frequently than the snake. From Christianity's Original Sin to Hadiths in Islam; Zulu tradition and iconography drawn from the Ancient Egyptians, in a world history so diverse and conflicted one thing appears to be agreed on: the snake is to be feared.

It is as much revered as it is reviled; a totem for some, representing the meeting of the living world with the afterlife, the snake slithers easily between two realms, shedding its skin; consuming itself, only to be born again, and commanding an uneasy respect from men.

While a great many species of animals are subject to projections of man's metaphorical thinking, I don't see another - not even venomous counterparts, like spiders or scorpions; or sharks which hide in murky depths, waiting (as the horror movies have us think) to rip us apart, which is thought of as so deadly and demonic. The snake is insidious, while the serpent is all-mighty and terrifying. From ancient symbols to pop culture and schlock horror, from Medusa to Freud, the snake is a single unifier, a common enemy unanimously held in hideous regard - it is, everyone agrees, evil.

Perhaps it's simply the unfortunate by-product of its manner and appearance. The snake's hissing, slithering behaviour neatly intersects with everything we believe about malice and deceit. The venomous, cold-blooded rattling, hunting silently and striking suddenly - there is no room to teach that they are simply animals looking to live and defend from attack when the symbolism is so dark and alluring.

These images, then, are a result of my attempts to break down our suppositions of the animal. Photographed with warm light on bright colours, I am looking at their enchanting beauty and design, and their vulnerability, as creatures simply existing outside of the buckling pressure of the evil they are meant to represent.

As with all victims of an 'othering' process, the serpent deserves a second look, beyond its slithering and dark hypnosis.

Ivory Ball Python - Python regius
Common File Snake - Gonionotophis capensis capensis
Albino Burmese Python - Python bivittatus
Forest Cobra - Naja  melanoleuca
Ball Python - Python regis
Rainbow Boa - Epicrates cenchria
Berg Adder - Bitis atropos
Common File Snake - Gonionotophis capensis capensis
Coral Snake - Aspidelaps lubricus lubricus
 Horned Adder - Bitis caudalis
Gaboon Viper - Bitis gabonica 
Corn Snake Sun Glow - Pantherophis guttatus
Albino Nelson's Milk Snake  - Lampropeltis triangulum nelsoni 
Common File Snake - Gonionotophis capensis capensis
Albino Burmese Python - Python bivittatus
GreenMamba - Dendroaspis angusticeps  
Puff Adder - Bitis arientans
Southern African Rock Python - Python natalensis 
Copperhead - Agkistrodon contortrix
Forest Cobra - Naja  melanoleuca 
GaboonViper - Bitis gabonica
GreenMamba - Dendroaspis angusticeps 
Puebian Milk Snake - Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli
Albino Nelson's Milk Snake  - Lampropeltis triangulum nelsoni 
Grey banded king snake - Lampropeltis alterna
Grey Rat Snake - Pantherophis spiloides
Burmese Python - Python bivittatus
Puff Adder - Bitis arientans
Rhombic Egg Eater - Dayspeltis scabra
White lipped tree viper - Trimeresurus albolabris
Behind The Scenes



A series of snakes photographed from above on coloured paper. The artists attempts to challenge our conception of the snake being intrinicly evil Read More


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