Perfil de Helen Stanger

FMP: Attempts of a Layered Phone Holder

Unfortunately when my glasswork was put in the kiln, it was put in at too high a temperature so the glass slumped too much in its liquid form and didn't take the shape I had intended it to. None of my pieces now are functional products but they have produced some interesting outcomes in their own right.
Devasted when I saw my beautiful panel of glass had dissolved to this..
Interesting pool shaped patterns though.
Holding the glass up the light really proves to be beautiful too, almost as a petal/leaf shape now.
From the offcuts of my broken plate and some left over bullseye glass of the same colour, I was able to put together something I hoped would produce anything like a phone holder like my original intentions..
Balancing them accordingly and distributing the glass for with a higher temperature in mind, all I could do was hope that when this glass goes in at a lower temperature, the end result would be functional!
Placed in the kiln waiting to be turned on..
The outcome of a lower temperature did produce a shape of glass that was a lot more to what I had first hoped, but still a little distorted and cracked (therefore broken) from the kiln. 
Dave from the workshop told me that the type of glass I used may have played a huge part in how the high temperatures in the kiln may have effected my designs and that actually, I could attempt many more pieces, but they would all be pretty similar in the end.
However I really do like the random shapes the kiln has created this glass; but also how beautiful the glass is up close - as I layered up multiple types of glass, in the light, you can really see the different aspects of my design and I really like that effect (just a shame it's not functional other than decor)
Even the lines created on the edge of this piece provides some sort of interesting beauty.
The more random blobs created from the kiln could be mushrooms, but I quite like the effect they produce when tilted on their sides, letting the light shine through the backs.
As a collection, they are all quite interesting together and would look lovely in a cabinet either on a mirror panel or lightbox so show all the true colours and textures in the glass.
FMP: Attempts of a Layered Phone Holder

FMP: Attempts of a Layered Phone Holder

what I had intended to be a phone holder
