Helen Stanger's profile

FMP: Second Attempts of a Bowl and Plate

Happened again, the temperature was a lot lower, but Dave suggests it was the type of glass that was my major downfall rather than my techniques of making them.
I trimmed of the edges of my single sheet of glass for the plate so the overall size when put in the kiln the second time would be a perfect plate shape.
I then arranged the offcuts to form a miniature explosion that could act as a sun catcher once fired.
Looking a bit like the ocean..
A bit more of a triangular effect, but still broken and the colours weren't as pleasing because I had used the best colours of glass the first time around..
Although in the light, the top did look really nice and Cath was tempted to put it in the show for me - she sadi it was quite nice, especially as it had been glued together, the public would get a much better idea of my work (knowing that I was trying to make finished products) for the show.
FMP: Second Attempts of a Bowl and Plate

FMP: Second Attempts of a Bowl and Plate

What I had intended to be a plate and a bowl, second attempts
