So it's been awhile since we last posted. We've all been busy with work and TPS got bombared with projects at the start of 2014. But every once in a while, one of us gets a break to design something fun.
My buddy bought the Xbox One when it came out in Novemeber. It's pretty awesome. You can switch between gaming, watching Netflix, listening to Xbox music without any lag. Plus commanding the Xbox with my voice makes me feel like Batman.
Anyway, being a designer I noticed the motion graphics package that Microsoft created for the XB1. It's clean, colorful, and simple. Plus, you can customize it to whatever color you want. I was very impressed and wanted to create something similar for myself. So I replicated the achievement lower third to use as a little promo for my company. I then chose music and SFXs, and a luma bar animation at the in and out points just for kicks.
You could seemlessly loop the spot and watch it over and over. You know, if you're into that kind of thing.
Oh and before I forget, a big shout out to draghia over on the Adobe Kuler site. His "Pomergranate Explosion" color theme adeptly gave this spot some major pop.
You can find the color theme here:
Check out his/her other themes. They are all pretty tight.
Xbox One ID

Xbox One ID

A short promo ID in the style of the the lower third achievement bar seen on the Xbox One system.



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