Swindler & Swindler 님의 프로필

Four illustrated logos over the years

• Four illustrated logos over the years •
I am not a graphiste.
I studied product design which is an other branch of the applied art but I don't have graphisme culture & codes. But what I have is sensibility, poetry and an eye. And it appears that sometimes, a person who want a logo is not in the search of a clean, surgically fonctional logo. Sometimes, they look for magic, for a sens of delicacy that could reflect their personality. And this is what I can offer to these persons. 
So if you are in the search of something at the crossed road of a traditional logo and an illustration, don't hesitate to call me. Even more if you want some arabesques, stars and botanic. ^^
• Atelier D • 
Oh I couldn’t be more happier but helping a dear friend in her journey as a potter. I though a lot on how to create a logo for atelierd.poterie that reflect her passion for clay, plants and teapots.
The results are beyond expectations. Especially as a stamp for her plates ! There is actually two facets of her logo to discover here. A simple one for stamping and a complex one for her cards.
I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it.​​​​​​​
• Ye Old Pork Pie • 

I love my job and how it takes me to unexpected univers. Like pork pie ! How, Why ? ^^
But I must say, it is one of the most tastiest project I had the pleasure to illustrate thanks to Quietly Studio.
Ye Old Pork Pie is a 1851 handcrafted pork pie producer. They asked Quietly studio to modernize the image of their shop yet keeping in mind their artisanal feeling. And as they are described as the king of pie, crown it will be ! So here is the new YOPP logo ! YUMMY !​​​​​​​
• East London Cloth • 
Gemma first contacted me in 2020 for some pin boxes and scissors boxes designs. 
And you must know, I'm a fabric lover, an embroiderer, a knitter... This is my univers^^
At that time Gemma had just released her brand. East London Cloth. A London based, hand made curtains compagny, in the middle of the pendemic. What an inspiring woman! She knew she wanted a logo but it was too soon for her so we waited for the right time. And this time came a year later. 
We thought about something timeless related to cloth but not too obvious. And what a better way to do it but with ribbons !
I put all my heart and sensibility to reflect her passion for quality work, ancestral technic and timeless elegance. What do you think ?


• Épicerie Sésame • 
Sesame was a zero waste local grocery at my village in Drôme, France. I say was because Covid forced them to close their activity, it is quite sad. Félicie & Charles are food passionates, long walks and nature lovers. And this is what you find in their logo. Fauna and flora of the Drôme plus some foodies that you could find in their groceries like buckwheat (the flower here), olives, wild garlic etc... I hand painted their logo on their door so when they open by the middle you would be fully immersed into their univers. Quite and effect !
Thank you for your time here, I really appreciate your kind words, it really help me going forward in my work.
Have a bright day,
Four illustrated logos over the years