Myra Kinko-Smyth 님의 프로필

Estars Esports Betting Platform - Product Design

01 | Process

Stakeholder Interview. Research, Competitive Analysis, Innovation, Information Architecture, Design System, Prototyping, UI Specification, Stakeholder Review.

02 | The Challenge

Estars management sought to create a revolutionary esports betting product and opted to develop a customized solution rather than acquiring an off-the-shelf platform. Leveraging my extensive experience in online gaming, I was brought on board to assist Estars in bringing their vision to life and delivering their dream product.
03 | The Solution

A comprehensive list of deliverables was established, encompassing the creation of a Design System, Responsive UI Architecture, an extensive compilation of use cases and user roles, interactive prototypes, and tailored UI specifications tailored specifically for esports and online betting products.

Over the course of a year, I worked closely and collaboratively with the Estars management team, fostering a highly productive partnership, to successfully deliver the agreed-upon scope of work.

In addition to the delivered solution, I also crafted a comprehensive Game Economy design. This entailed developing intricate specifications for the game mechanics surrounding player interactions, earning and spending activities, multiple currencies, digital goods, merchandise, experience levels, and various other elements. The detailed design ensured a well-balanced and engaging gaming experience for users.
04 | Skills & Software

Adobe Creative Suite. Trello

05 | The Result

Sadly, the delivery of this new esports product was put on hold indefinitely due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.
Estars Esports Betting Platform - Product Design


Estars Esports Betting Platform - Product Design

Game Economy for Esports. Game, Product & Systems Design. Design Systems for the teams.
