To choose an aspect of Left vs Right and produce a piece of Graphic communication on the subject.
Researching about the brain it was interesting to discover how people can either be left brained dominant which suggests from research that you are more logical or right brained dominant which suggests that you are more creative. Taking this into consideration the idea was aimed at children to help them find out what their domiant side is. The idea should be fun and interactive and something that will engage with children to help them learn more about the brain.
From research I found out about different brain functions, left brained dominant means you tend to be more organised, precise and structured. In comparisson people who are seen as more right brained dominant are said to be more creative and can understand images better than using words. To conclude this information I decided to design a set of games using shapes that children can complete, either by using the shapes to make the word or the shapes to create the object. The three objects being Bird, Boat or Rabbit. I have also applied this idea to a poster advertising the Left vs Right exhibition at the Science Museum to allow children and parents to go and find out more about the Left vs Right side of the brain.
Left brained dominant, you tend to use the right side of your body more. Think in words.
Right brained dominant, you tend to use the left side of your body more. Visualization
Left brained dominant, you tend to use the right side of your body more. Think in words
Right brained dominant, you tend to use the left side of the body. Visualization
Poster design advertising the Left vs Right exhibition held at the Science Museum. Idea of the poster is to make people walking past curious. What did you see first, shapes or a word (bird)? Depending on what you see first could identify the most dominant side of your brain. Going to the exhibition will allow you to find out more by completing different tasks.
One of the final outcomes inspired by research was a game. Half of the packaging has been designed in a creative way using shapes which extend around the left side of the packaging. The right side is a clean and simple layout using just typography stating the object in the game, 1. Bird, 2. Boat or 3. Rabbit,  'how will you create it' and 'will you use all of the shapes'. Also on this part of the pacakging is a tick box to tick once the game has been completed, linking with the left side of the brain being more logical, structured and precise. 
Once each packet is opened inside are the magnetic shapes that children can play with on there fridge, a leaflet showing the two possibilities, either the first option which shows the shapes made into the word which uses all of the shapes or the second option which shows the shapes made into the image of the object (boat) which doesn't necessarily use all of the shapes. What each person makes out of the game could indenifiy there most dominant side of the brain.
notebook design, left side of the notebook has been designed to be more creative (right brained dominant) right side of the notebook design is more logical and ordered also with a tick box once your list has been completed.(left brained dominant)
Left vs Right

Left vs Right

A number of designs for packaging, a poster and a notebook have been designed to show Left vs Right and the differences between the left and righ Další informace
