「喜欢泥」宠物猫主食餐盒 Furrytail®LOVE IS LOVE


“我爱我的猫,与外貌、性别、纯种还是流浪, 全都不相干,一百万只猫,就有一百万种可爱。爱只有不同, 没有高下,Love is Love,尾巴生活「喜欢泥」,相信无差别的爱。”


同时,为了践行这一理念,尾巴生活推出了“LOVE IS LOVE”系列公益活动,每当消费者购买一件“LOVE IS LOVE”的产品,尾巴生活将捐赠十克猫粮给流浪猫咪。我们相信,流浪猫同样值得被关爱和宠爱。希望通过这个小小的善举,为那些需要关怀的猫咪带去一丝温暖和食物的滋养。

“I love my cat,no matter its gender, appearance, purebred or not.Every cat is unique and has its own blended personality, just as humans are.No breed is superior,no breed is inferior.FurryTail® believes in ‘Love Knows No Discrimination’.”

At FurryTail®, we firmly believe that "every cat is a unique individual, regardless of their gender, appearance, or breed. They all deserve to be loved and cared for unconditionally." The packaging of "LOVE IS LOVE" products prominently features vibrant and colorful rainbow elements. Each bright and leaping rainbow symbolizes diversity, inclusivity, and equality, conveying the concept of "love knows no discrimination" to the world.

To put this belief into action, FurryTail® has launched the "LOVE IS LOVE" series of charity initiatives. For every purchase of a "LOVE IS LOVE" product, FurryTail® will donate 10 grams of cat food to stray cats. We believe that stray cats also deserve love and care. Through this small act of kindness, we hope to bring warmth and nourishment to those cats in need of care.

「喜欢泥」宠物猫主食餐盒 Furrytail®LOVE IS LOVE

Project Made For

「喜欢泥」宠物猫主食餐盒 Furrytail®LOVE IS LOVE
