MAEX | Mastery and Dental Excellence


Mastery and Dental Excellence

MAEX is the name of the group of premium dental clinics which, together with Vitaldent, Smysecret, and Moonz, completes the DONTE GROUP brand portfolio. A new concept of highly specialized dental clinics is born from the joint of highly recognized doctors to meet extraordinary experience expectations. 

MAEX comes up from its tagline, 'Mastery and Dental Excellence', as a bold and elegant brand that seeks to sophisticate dentistry through codes that pay tribute to the profession, knowledge, and good praxis.

To spotlight knowledge through visual identity, we took as a basis the book 'Le Chirurgien Dentiste, ou traité des dents'; published in 1728 by whom is considered the father of modern dentistry, Pierre Fauchard.


Illustrations: María Albillos


MAEX | Mastery and Dental Excellence