New Netflix TV Experience

New Netflix TV Experience
The new Netflix TV UI is what we consider to our best video discovery and viewing experience on televisions to-date. Moving away from the standard "wall of DVD box covers" model that persists in most TV UIs, it is a highly immersive, cinematic experience that fully expresses the strength of our personalization, recommendations, and content offerings.
The new TV UI is a prime example of design directly contributing to a company’s success, significantly moving Netflix’s core metrics, allowing us to deploy to a larger range of TV-connected devices, and generating buzz and delight among our subscribers. The new design is a great base for future innovation, as we explore and push the possibilities of this cinematic direction.

We recently won a Webby for Best User Experience in the Mobile & Apps category! Gigaom also has a more detailed profile on how and why we created the new Netflix TV Experience, which you can read here. Otherwise, please enjoy the visuals below…

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New Netflix TV Experience