Anteros Hart: Love Goddess
The goal was to incorporate hearts as much as possible in the design and aim for a solemn look worthy of a goddess.
Giving her a gentle and loving personality, I decided to go for a cuter outfit instead of a formal or revealing one.
A perfect balance is also created by the bright red design elements with the muted yet warm outfit and skin colors.

Junko Aokami: teenage soccer enthuasiast
Junko has a bright and bubbly personality, which is greatly reflected in the highly saturated and neon colors of her outfits. At this point she is trying hard to show her feminine side, which she had to hide from her most trusted friends.

Growing up, though, she developed a "cooler" attitude, as it's visible from her more desaturated and mature outfits. Here she finally accepted her dual nature, both feminine and masculine, by cutting her hair short and not being afraid to dress how she likes. She could wear a dress or a suit, it's not important if people misgender her.

Rachel: Guardian Angel
Rachel is extremely gentle, maybe even a bit too much. Her gentleness translates into naivety and cluelessness towards anything evil. Her soul is incorruptible, which is why I felt like no color other than white would suit her, of course without forgetting a touch of gold to give her a mystical and divine vibe.

I also tried imagining the possibility of her actually being corrupted, and came up with an alternative design. The initial idea was to switch white to black and gold to silver, but silver didn't really work on her skin. Then I also thought of changing her hair and eye color, but I felt like it wouldn't be Rachel anymore if I changed her so much, like she would lose her identity.
Character Design


Character Design

Character designs for a personal project.
