This is a set of hand drawings I did as part of my first art class. Until this point I had been self-taught. Each of the drawings is done on 18x24 inch paper. All the drawings were done with still setups in class as references. 
The goal of this first drawing was to learn how to map highlights and shadows as well as effectively use line weight variation. 
The objective of this drawing was to practice perspective with angular objects. Another emphasis was on creating a different value on each side of each box. 
This fruit basket drawing was assigned as practice for drawing organic shapes and textures. 
This skull was done in Charcoal. The aim for this drawing was to effectively balance darks and lights while learning to use charcoal as a medium. 
This drawing was done on grey paper using black and white graphite. The emphasis on this drawing was learning to create both shadows and highlights on midtone paper. 
This final drawing was created with pen. A full set of Micron pens was used, including a brush pen. There were two requirements for this drawing. Firstly, we had to include three variations of the same pattern throughout the drawing. Secondly, we had to use every method of shading with pen (stippling, hatching, cross-hatching, scribbling, etc.).  
Hand Drawings